I have PA Storage Monitor setup, using Active Directory to authenticate users. I have set my top OU for search, and added the proper group that houses our admin accounts in AD. I have no issues logging in to the remote console. Another user who's admin account is in the SAME OU, receives the error, "Failed to login. Reason: User has no roles defined.". I looked in the service log, and found the entry that shows my account successfully logging in.
There are three entries, LDAP: "USER" [AD String] logging in (AD) creating session for "USER AD string" (from IP) Console [USER AD String] connecting from (IP) with version

USER that cannot login (2 entries): LDAP: "USER" [AD String] logging in (AD) ERROR: LDAP: Failed to login "USER" [AD string, to same location as mine] because no roles specified.

Am I missing something else? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

asked 26 Nov '12, 13:34

VirtualSteve's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi VirtualSteve,

There have been several updates and fixes put in for LDAP in to version 5 of PA Storage Monitor. My suggestion is to update to the latest. You have a current support agreement so all you need to do is to download and install the latest version. During the install process you will be asked if you want to upgrade your license, say yes. PA Storage Monitor Downloads


answered 26 Nov '12, 16:14

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks for the above info. We will be performing the upgrade. I don't recall seeing anywhere on your site the recommended method of backing the data up before upgrading in case of an issue. Since it is on a VM, I will be taking a snapshot, bowever, I'd also like to move a copy of the needed data to another location as a secondary backup.

(06 Dec '12, 15:40) VirtualSteve

Your configuration is stored in C:\Program Files\PA Storage Monitor\Config. A daily backup is made in the Backup sub-folder.

Your monitored data that has been collected is either in MS SQL Server if that's where you've configured it, or if you're using the default, it's all in C:\Program Files\PA Storage Monitor\Databases

(18 Dec '12, 09:22) Doug ♦♦
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Asked: 26 Nov '12, 13:34

Seen: 14,940 times

Last updated: 18 Dec '12, 09:22