Is it possible to have the IP address automatically displayed in the server name? Ideally, in the Servers/Devices pane, I would like the names displayed as hostname [IP Address].

My switches, routers show the IP address and by setting an Alias I am able to get the above to display. However, my windows servers are listed are hostnames instead of IP address, as detected via the Smart Config wizard.

I could just manually add the IP addresses to the host names, but the then the names would be IP Address [hostname] and would then be inconsistent to non windows hosts/devices.

asked 07 Apr '15, 00:03

Ovalis_DT's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Hi Ovalis_DT,

If you need to have the servers listed as "Hostname [IP Address]", you will need to add them using the IP address. Then later add the alias to IP address giving you the order that you want. Now that you have the servers added (using the Windows name) and being monitored there isn't a way to make the change unless you delete the server and add it back using the IP and then add the alias. You will however loss the data already collected.


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answered 07 Apr '15, 14:11

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 07 Apr '15, 00:03

Seen: 4,702 times

Last updated: 07 Apr '15, 14:11

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