OK, I am new to PA Server Monitor Pro 5 (just installed it), and already I am met with a problem for which I can find no answer. When I attempt to scan a subnet to discover servers, it displays a list of the devices on that subnet, but some of my servers will have a number 2 or 3 in the name, which is incorrect. When I use the "Set Alias" option on the content menu, it displays the change I made, but with the original in brackets. How do I get rid of the name in brackets?

asked 18 Oct '12, 10:03

rwallace's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You should remove that 2 or 3 in the Smart Config dialog before adding the servers (ie when the server list is just in a large text edit field). Once the server has been added, you'll need to delete it and re-add with the proper name.

Can you attach a screenshot, or maybe send one to our Support email address showing the 2 or 3 in the server name? We'd like to understand why those are showing up in the first place.


answered 19 Oct '12, 16:22

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 18 Oct '12, 10:03

Seen: 9,529 times

Last updated: 19 Oct '12, 16:22