I'm trying to monitor the bandwidth of each interface on our router but SNMP Walk is only showing 1 of 18 interfaces, out of which 7 interfaces are active. Also, the measurement appears to be in total traffic (MB) rather than utilisation (Mbps).

Router is a Sonicwall NSA 3600 pair in HA.

Regards, David.

asked 04 Nov '15, 00:21

Ovalis_DT's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Hi David,

Have you loaded the MIB file for that router into PA Server Monitor? PASM does come with some MIB files and it will try to give you the counters that it can find but it is always better if you are able to load up the correct MIB file from the manufacturer.


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answered 04 Nov '15, 11:37

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 04 Nov '15, 00:21

Seen: 20,236 times

Last updated: 04 Nov '15, 11:37