Hi, I'm monitoring an application that logs certain information in a database table. Is there a way to monitor the content of a SQL server table, I have a SQL query that will return rows containing specific error messages I would like to monitor. So far the only way i can see is to create an "Execute Script Monitor" with some powershell that will execute the query, but I'm wondering if there is a better way?

Thanks, Justin

asked 05 Jun '23, 11:41

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Justin Sjouw
accept rate: 0%

Hi Justin,

The Execute Script Monitor is the best option for you to find certain information in a database table. The service does not have a predefined monitor that is able to do that. Then once that script has found the data you can use the alert functions to fire Actions and also record data into the database for reporting.


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answered 05 Jun '23, 16:59

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Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 05 Jun '23, 11:41

Seen: 1,513 times

Last updated: 05 Jun '23, 16:59