Hello, I'm a rookie admin and work in a small (47 Win7 users), single domain AD (2008R2) network. Is it necessary for our end-user's PCs to have the "Register this connection's addresses in DNS" checked/enabled via Advanced TCP/IP DNS Settings? If it is not needed on the client machines, I'd rather have it disabled. Thanks!

asked 30 Nov '15, 14:49

Chad%20S's gravatar image

Chad S
accept rate: 0%

Hey Chad,

I believe that register option is responsible for getting your workstation host record created in DNS. If you are doing any sort of name resolution on the network you will want to register them. As far as I know it is a MS best practice to leave that option enabled.



answered 02 Dec '15, 13:34

Ash0r's gravatar image

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Asked: 30 Nov '15, 14:49

Seen: 5,664 times

Last updated: 02 Dec '15, 13:34