When I try to use Import-Module or the Add-PSSnapin cmdlet I receive the error below:


What troubleshooting steps can I take to resolve this?

asked 13 Dec '15, 18:30

ple103's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Dec '15, 18:31

I get this error fairly regularly and I am none too sure on how best to address it. I have increased the resources on the machine that is performing the monitor execution, but that didn't seem to alleviate the issue. I am none too sure where to begin with troubleshooting this one either and some guidance from support would be greatly appreciated :)


answered 28 Aug '17, 16:41

TheSemicolon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi TheSemicolon,

Please zip up and send us your service log file from your central service and your satellite service log file. Also, please include a screenshot of the error message that you are getting and the name of the server and monitor. support@poweradmin.com


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answered 29 Aug '17, 10:31

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 13 Dec '15, 18:30

Seen: (+: (DEFAULT: ), 1) times

Last updated: 29 Aug '17, 10:31