I'm monitoring file reads/writes and trying to implement something that will notify me for excessive reads from a directory and files on the server.

I'm getting a lot of notifications however it's unclear what process on the client's machine is causing the activity. Is there any way within the product to indicate what client side process is generating the activity?

asked 28 Jun '16, 13:25

pbparker's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Sorry but I don't think that Windows 7 included this feature. However, it was added to Server 2008 R2. The process name is automatically included in the alert details if it is available and is not something that you need to switch on.

For the communication of the process name to occur both machines must be Server 2008 R2 or newer (to be able to send and receive the information). If your user is logged into a Windows 7 machine and then accesses a file on your Server 2008 R2 the name information will not be passed.


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answered 30 Jun '16, 09:29

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi pbparker

Good question. Can you tell me what OS your client side server is and the server where PA File Sight is installed is?


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answered 29 Jun '16, 09:05

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Quinn ♦♦
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Server OS is Server 2008 R2, all clients are Windows 7 x64.

(29 Jun '16, 09:49) pbparker


The issue is the older OSs. It wasn't until 2008 R2 when MS actually starting passing on the process information in the communication between servers. The PA File Sight service will provide that information but only if the OS passes it on. This only in 2008 R2 and newer OSs.


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answered 29 Jun '16, 14:34

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

So, since it's Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 x64, both released on the same date basically, it should have the feature... and based on your answer it should function - so where is the capability to turn it on and embed it into the alert email as I see no variable to call out the calling process.


answered 29 Jun '16, 14:39

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Asked: 28 Jun '16, 13:25

Seen: 7,384 times

Last updated: 30 Jun '16, 09:29