I am monitoring a Term Server and would like to know if any of the iexplorer processes has a processor time over a threshold. When setting up a Process monitor I see Elapsed Time, which should work, but it looks like I have to choose 1 of the 20 iexplorer processes running to monitor. Is there a way to alert if any of the iexplorer* processes meet the criteria.

Thanks in advance,


asked 26 Apr '17, 17:30

Jonathan176's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Jonathan176,

You can use a wildcard in the counter that you are monitoring so that you monitor all instancens of the process. Follow this link to the Profromance Monitor and then scroll down to the Instance Wildcards towords the bottom of the page to read more at using them.

For example I have several svchost process running on a server and I want to monitor all of them but the OS creates these processes as they are needed. Once you have selected one of the processes you can edit the counter name by clicking on the button to the right of the counter labeled "..." and then insert the "*" at the end of the process name.

\QProcess(svchost#1)Elapsed Time


\QProcess(svchost*)Elapsed Time


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answered 27 Apr '17, 09:14

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 26 Apr '17, 17:30

Seen: 3,284 times

Last updated: 27 Apr '17, 09:14