I am trying to start a program remotely without using -i. This is suppose to start that program without giving me any UI but the problem is that, the programs UI keeps popping up on the remote computer. I don't have this issue in other versions of windows but only on windows 10. I also tried Psexec, there is no issue there. How do i solve this problem for paexec. Thanks in advance :)

asked 28 Mar '17, 09:25

Ram's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I also encountered this problem and narrowed it down to when I use the -s option. To solve this, I took a copy of the source code and changed the code in Process.cpp as follows:

1) Find the condition "if(settings.bUseSystemAccount)"

2) Replace how the process is launched for this case. i.e. change the following:

bLaunched = CreateProcessAsUser(settings.hUser, NULL, path.LockBuffer(), NULL, NULL, TRUE, dwFlags, pEnvironment, startingDir, &si, &pi);


bLaunched = CreateProcess(NULL, path.LockBuffer(), NULL, NULL, TRUE, dwFlags, pEnvironment, startingDir, &si, &pi);


answered 04 Feb '19, 09:11

Hans's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 28 Mar '17, 09:25

Seen: 4,207 times

Last updated: 04 Feb '19, 09:11