We asked some time ago about the Server Monitor App for Android and it's ability to support push notifications. The app does not seem to have been updated in a long time; are there plans to release an updated version which supports the latest notification mechanisms?

asked 19 May '17, 05:43

Skillweb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Skillweb,

Thank you for the question. We are in the process of updating the phone apps and the Android Push is part that project. I's sorry but I don't have a date for the release of the new version.


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answered 19 May '17, 09:38

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 19 May '17, 05:43

Seen: 3,596 times

Last updated: 19 May '17, 09:38