I'm testing out File Sight Ultra right now, and I'm trying to understand what may specifically trigger "Read" logging. For instance, I've got a directory opened in Windows Explorer. Without even clicking on or hovering over any of the files, 2 out of 4 spreadsheet files show up in the logs as having been read. I can't figure out the logic. The files that are getting logged are files #2 and #4 in the list of files. They are all roughly the same size 84 and 83 KB. I've been tinkering with the file size threshhold to try to reduce extraneous activity getting logged.

Any pointers would be helpful. Ideally I would like only to log file reads when a file is opened. Thanks, Chris.

asked 28 Nov '12, 15:33

Chris's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Chris,

There is another way that you ignore alerts from File Explorer reading files. Go to the Ignore: Processes tab and select explorer.exe and save. Then whenever File Explorer views a file no alerts will be fired. I would also recommend that you select antivirus products as well to be ignored. Applications like these that read files will kick off the alerts and you may not want to get. More information about setting for PA File Sight.


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answered 28 Nov '12, 16:52

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 28 Nov '12, 15:33

Seen: 5,214 times

Last updated: 28 Nov '12, 16:52