Dear all, I have an dns server using PowerDNS and PowerAdmin-2.1.5 My system works great until one day, someone of my team logged in PowerAdmin GUI website and change some PDNS record (all member of my team had right to log-in & modify any record) So, that's the problem, i want to audit what username logged in & what they do after logged-in. I found that the latest version of poweradmin can help me to logging the success & fail log in. After some configuration & updating poweradmin version form 2.1.5 to 2.1.6, in my /var/log/messages start to log user authenticated of powerdns. For example: Jan 21 11:45:19 localhost poweradmin: Successful authentication attempt from [x.x.x.x] for user 'XXX' Jan 21 11:45:44 localhost poweradmin: Failed authentication attempt from [x.x.x.x] for user 'YYY'

So now, i want to save these information to a separate file (not in /var/log/messages) And can you show me how to log what user do after logged in (such as change record, add zone ... more detail more great)

Thank you so much ! Vinh Ho

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 21 Jan '13, 04:16

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Vinh Ho
accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Jan '13, 04:18

I'm afraid your question is for a different product. We're Power Admin LLC that sells PA Server Monitor. We don't have anything to do with the PowerAdmin DNS app (never seen it actually).


answered 21 Jan '13, 16:36

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Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 21 Jan '13, 04:16

Seen: 92,230 times

Last updated: 21 Jan '13, 16:36