[from a support request] In a lab, ping failures occur fairly frequently and although we need to be alerted to them, I don’t want to be paged every time a ping alarm occurs. However, if we plugged PASM into protected AC, it would be nice if I could set PASM to page me if it finds X number of servers failing ping monitor, suggesting a building power outage. Possible?

asked 24 Jul '12, 16:17

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

It will be a little work, but the Calculated Status monitor can do this. Basically you write a little script (with help from the GUI) to check the statuses of other monitors. You could tally the number of Ping monitors in Alert state and send an alert from this monitor if that count was > 10 for example. This monitor could then use some sort of high-priority alert actions, like something that goes to a pager for instance.


answered 24 Jul '12, 21:53

BobG's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

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Asked: 24 Jul '12, 16:17

Seen: 6,190 times

Last updated: 24 Jul '12, 21:53