Previous admin who installed PA Server Monitor gave the service account used to connect to devices Domain Admin rights, which is not ideal. The service account is no longer a domain admin and can connect to servers just fine once the account is added to the local administrators group on the server, but this fails on domain controllers (since there is no local admins groups on DCs).

Tried installing the software on the DC so it could run as local system, but can't get the local monitor to talk to the primary console server.

Looking for the best way to monitor domain controllers without granting too many rights to a service account.

asked 26 Oct '17, 08:09

frocephus's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi frocephus,

When you install the software (central service) on a server it does not have the ability to communicate with another central service that is running on a different machine. Two central services don't have the ability to connect to each other. To be able to have this type on system management you would need to use the Satellite Feature that is apart of the Ultra version of PA Server Monitor and have it connect to the central service.

Maybe this diagrams on the page will help, Product Architecture and Layout.


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answered 07 Nov '17, 11:19

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi frocephus,

Have you look at our documentation on accounts and permissions? This would be very helpful for you.

Remote Monitoring Account Hints

Monitoring Permissions


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answered 26 Oct '17, 11:50

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks for your help Quinn. I am having trouble with this connection method currently:


There is a third alternative: Install the monitoring product on the remote server. It can then run as Local System and look just at the server itself. Power Admin monitoring products install quickly, and the Easy Configuration feature makes it simple to copy a monitoring configuration from one machine to another.


I am trying to avoid granting a service account NTFS permissions to the root of C on a domain controller, so I thought installing the PA server monitor service would be an easy way to monitor DCs. I can't figure out how to connect the individual instances to the main monitor. Any advice here would be great!


answered 07 Nov '17, 09:26

frocephus's gravatar image

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Asked: 26 Oct '17, 08:09

Seen: 4,545 times

Last updated: 07 Nov '17, 11:19