I've found that when I attempt to create a PDF version of a fairly long report IE spins for a minute or so and then I get a "The webpage cannot be found" 404 error on the webpage without the open/save options for the PDF ever appearing. Any suggestions?

asked 03 Dec '12, 13:02

Matt%20Wilson's gravatar image

Matt Wilson
accept rate: 0%

We need to figure out of the PDF was actually created or not. Look at the bottom of the report you want a PDF from. There will be a URL that is the full URL for the report. Part of the URL maps to a folder under C:\Program Files\PA Server Monitor\Reports. Find the report folder and see if there is an index.pdf file. Is it there?


answered 03 Dec '12, 23:22

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Thanks Doug,

When the PDF process fails there is no Index.pdf file created in the relevant folder.


(04 Dec '12, 11:15) Matt Wilson

In that case, please try again (to get everything logged in the log files) and then please zip and send your logs (in C:\Program Files\PA Server Monitor\Logs) to our support AT poweradmin email address so we can see what is happening.

(04 Dec '12, 14:36) Doug ♦♦

Thanks Doug,

When the PDF process fails there is no Index.pdf file created in the relevant folder.



answered 04 Dec '12, 11:15

Matt%20Wilson's gravatar image

Matt Wilson
accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 03 Dec '12, 13:02

Seen: 6,485 times

Last updated: 04 Dec '12, 14:36