Hello, I am having issues with the PA Admin service account (not used for anything else) causing ~200/sec entries in my Domain Controller logs from trying to perform an Object Read on a container in another Domain in our Forest. Event ID 4662, Directory Service Access, Audit Failure in the Security Logs on the DC. Operation: Operation Type: Object Access Accesses: Read Property

Access Mask:        0x10

Is there a way to limit the scope of PA Admin so that it is not trying to monitor stuff on another domain in the forest? I only have a few basic monitors setup at this point, none of which are referencing that container or anything else in another Domain.

asked 06 Jun '18, 10:56

ITguy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi ITGuy,

Would you contact Support at support@poweradmin.com?

We'll need detailed information on the event from your event log reporting. We'll also need to a zipped up copy of the service log file from your central service.


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answered 06 Jun '18, 14:47

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 06 Jun '18, 10:56

Seen: 129,617 times

Last updated: 06 Jun '18, 14:47