I keep getting the following email below. I read in the fupport forum that I need to set the checking frequency to a shorter period. I did not see where the steps to do this were. I'm getting this email on all my servers. Can it be a global setting change?


28 Apr 2014 07:10:04 PM
Computer: [CMB-PRIME]
Monitor: [Event Log Monitor]
Description: Event Log SECURITY appears to have been cleared

Sent from PA Server Monitor on BOS-IPSWITCH

asked 29 Apr '14, 09:44

CMBNWA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Joe,

The SECURITY Log file is one file to get a lot of data added to it forcing it to cleared often. You will need to run your Event Log monitor more often. When you select your monitor in the lower right corner you will see a Schedule Button, this is where you can how often the monitor runs.

You can also use the Bulk Config option to change all your Event Log Monitors at the same time.


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answered 29 Apr '14, 11:34

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 29 Apr '14, 09:44

Seen: 22,317 times

Last updated: 29 Apr '14, 11:34