We have a ping monitor on a server of ours with proper actions set up that should be fired if the server is not pinging properly. I was able to find a report that told me ping history on this server and the timeframe in question shows in the "Ping" column 30000ms. I'd like to find out why our Actions weren't fired properly.

1) Is there a report that shows when a server was in/out of maintenance? 2) Is there a report that shows Action history for a server (i.e. PA fired the Action, but for some reason the action wasn't passed through to our alerting system)?

Thank you!!


asked 28 Jun '18, 08:26

jennaBoomtown's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi jennaBoomtown,

We do have a report for each of these...

1) Is there a report that shows when a server was in/out of maintenance?
Called the "Monitoring System Audit" you can find it by going to Reports -> Ad Hoc Reports -> System Summary Reports. Then select the report in the section called Monitoring System Audit. Walk though all of the reports settings and then run it.

2) Is there a report that shows Action history for a server (i.e. PA fired the Action, but for some reason the action wasn't passed through to our alerting system)?
Called Error Audit report you can find it in the same location at the above report.


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answered 02 Jul '18, 09:28

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Perfect! Thanks, Quinn!


answered 03 Jul '18, 08:26

jennaBoomtown's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 28 Jun '18, 08:26

Seen: 2,952 times

Last updated: 03 Jul '18, 08:26