We're currently using PA Server Monitor to monitor raid degradation in esx hosts using the Hardware Monitor. This works great, but is there a way to use it to monitor external enclosures?

asked 10 Aug '18, 15:46

davidwolf's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

Hi davidwolf,

What type of monitoring do you need to do of the external enclosures?


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answered 13 Aug '18, 15:38

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

I'd like to monitor drive fault or raid degradation.


answered 13 Aug '18, 15:42

davidwolf's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%


The first thing that comes to mind is to use the SNMP Monitor to monitor the drive's health. By using this monitor you can be alerted when the health of the drive changes from the Okay state. You will need to do some reach to find the OID that you need to monitor.

Another monitor to use would be the Hardware Monitor. This monitor will work with ESX and other types of servers to report on many different values recorded by the OS>

The Inventory Monitor is another that monitor that monitors many different items on the server and drive health is one of them. To alert on the Inventory Monitor's data you will need to use the Inventory Alerter.


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answered 14 Aug '18, 09:33

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

A few days later I checked in Hardware Monitor and the external disks are showing up as Storage-System Board X Drive Y. They were not showing up at all earlier. Looks like issue resolved.

(14 Aug '18, 10:55) davidwolf
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Asked: 10 Aug '18, 15:46

Seen: 2,791 times

Last updated: 14 Aug '18, 10:55