
is it possible to have a Raid Controller Monitor which shows: - Status of phys. Harddrives - Status of virt. Drives (Raid)

Regards Heiko

asked 25 Aug '12, 07:57

beso's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There isn't a standard RAID status API, so every vendor does it differently (some use the Event Log, some use an embedded HTTP page, some use proprietary apps/protocols). Because of that we haven't come up with a RAID monitor.

If you want to monitor the health though, figure out how a human being would check the health status, and then see if you can automate that check. Event Log and web pages can both be easily monitored via PA Server Monitor.


answered 25 Aug '12, 13:53

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 25 Aug '12, 07:57

Seen: 5,403 times

Last updated: 25 Aug '12, 13:53