The monthly report that gets generated and sent to me by email contained these following message: If you see this text, this pages CSS files are not loading and gives 3 possible causes. I've looked at all three items and the report is still pulling the message. Bad file permissions on the {PA File Sight Install Folder}ReportsShared folder. The easiest fix is to delete the SHARED, CHARTS and EXTJS folder -- it will be recreated in a moment SSL certificate errors. Please see If using SSL, you MUST add the root certificate to Internet Explorer for PDF generation. Open the report URL in Internet Explorer and resolve any security warnings asked 01 Nov '18, 14:28 techgal64 |
I worked with Quinn and he had me test a shorter time frame in the report. The report was generated and delivered by email correctly this time. There were alot of changes made to the files being watched and this created a massive report. Also tried the recommendation from Quinn to make a change in the registry setting. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432\PA File Sight\Reports_PDF_MaxWait_Sec - changed from 180 to 360. Julie |
Hi techgal64 Did you delete the HARED, CHARTS and EXTJS folders within the Reports folder? If so, did the folders get recreated and did the reports look better? Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. answered 01 Nov '18, 14:36 Quinn ♦♦ |
Hi Julie, Would you please run the report again and then send me the log files. To FTP the file please open the console and go to Settings. In this menu you will see a button that zip up and send the log files to our FTP server. Then send a copy of the PDF report to Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. answered 02 Nov '18, 11:11 Quinn ♦♦ |