When PDF reports are generated they contain a footer stating "Generated by PA Server Monitor - vx.x.x". Is there an option to edit this footer or remove it completely?

Thank you Tim Schwab

asked 21 Jan '19, 09:25

TSchwab's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi TSchwab,

That text is in the report template that is used when generating the report in the Console. Then a PDF copy is created from that report. So you could manually edit the report templates to remove that line. You can find them in the Reportsshared directory.


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answered 22 Jan '19, 14:26

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 21 Jan '19, 09:25

Seen: 2,599 times

Last updated: 22 Jan '19, 14:26