I am trailing file sight ultimate. When installing on the server. I noticed our anti-virus / ransomware. Blocked and removed one part of the installation automatically.

Is there anything I should be aware or exclude from the antivirus engine

asked 12 Mar '19, 17:58

shanemac's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi shanemac,

I haven't seen where the anti-virus / ransomware would block any of our installation. There have been cases when they were scanning the database files and would block the use of them for a short time so that the product couldn't use the DB file. In those cases we'd have the user add exceptions in the anti-virus / ransomware applications.

Can you tell what as blocked and if so provide that information to us?


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answered 14 Mar '19, 14:37

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 12 Mar '19, 17:58

Seen: 3,041 times

Last updated: 14 Mar '19, 14:37