I building system from scratch and can't find anywhere any guide, explaining this.

I want separate user, that under it PAserver service will run locally (in domain environment) Also - i want to create user in AD, that with it PA server will connect to remote systems to check its services and performance.

Which permissions must be granted for both users ?

asked 10 Oct '12, 09:49

WarP's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi WarP This FAQ attempts to answer that question:

http://www.poweradmin.com/help/remoteMonitoringHints.aspx http://www.poweradmin.com/help/monitoringAccountPermissions.aspx

To use two accounts like you want, you'll set the service to one account, and then you'll need to give server-specific credentials to all of the servers to use the second account. This is shown at the bottom of:



answered 10 Oct '12, 15:03

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

But still, which permissions i do need to run properly the PAserver itself? Just logon as service not enough - its cant write database then (built in)

(11 Oct '12, 07:11) WarP

PA Server Monitor needs full rights to its internal folders, specifically: C:\Program Files\PA Server Monitor\ \Databases \Config \Reports \MIBs \Logs

(16 Oct '12, 11:08) Doug ♦♦
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Asked: 10 Oct '12, 09:49

Seen: 6,457 times

Last updated: 16 Oct '12, 11:09