I have a bunch of monitors set up for similar servers (like domain controllers) and I want to move them to Power Templates. I think I have everything figured out except how to keep individual dependencies. For any given domain controller, I want all the monitors for that server to be dependent on the Ping Monitor. So, in order to run Inventory or Disk Size Check, or Service Monitor, I first want to make sure I can Ping the server. Trust me, it really helps prevent "Death By Alerts" If I set a dependency in the Template, it makes it static, meaning if I set the template to be based on DC1, all recipients of the templated monitors now have the Ping to DC1 for the dependency, not Ping DC2 for DC2 and Ping DC3 for DC3, and so on. I can see that you can pick come Templates as a dependency for the other Templates, but my Ping monitor template is not in the list to pick from. Thx! --Joel |
Hi Joel, "Death By Alerts" I like it! Not that I like getting alerts I just like how you said it. Using Dependencies for your monitoring is a great help. When you use the Power Templates you can set the dependency of a template monitor to any monitor on a device or to another power template monitor. However during the prorogation of the templates to the devices in that group the dependency is transferred just as you set it up. Meaning that if you set a Disk Space template to be dependent on the Ping template from the same power template group, then each Disk Space monitor will be dependent on the Ping of the same server. However, if you set the Disk Space template to be dependent on the Ping monitor for a server say DC1, then all of the Disk Space monitors will be dependent on the Ping monitor for DC1. So to be able to do what you want you will need to add a Ping monitor to your Power Template folder and then you can set the dependency the way you want it. Thanks Please make sure to mark your questions accepted when you have your answer by clicking the gray check mark to the left of the answer. Hi Quinn, Thanks for the tip. I thought I added the Ping monitor to the template, but couldn't find it. It turns out, it's a bit tricky when working Dynamic Groups and Templates. I have all my domain controllers in a dynamic group, where I was trying to apply the templates, but it wants to jump back to the spot in the tree where the server is actually located. However, it is now working. Thanks for that! --Joel
(17 Oct '19, 13:36)