I'm trying to monitor the C:\ drive of several servers on my DMZ. I want to use a Template to do this so all of the servers have a consistent setup. However, I can't seem to get this to work. The default monitor is C:\ and when I edit the template it shows C:\ in the Directory to monitor field, however, when I go to each server that uses the template it shows up as \Servername1\C$\, \Servername2\C$\, etc. This tells me it's accessing the hidden share which I can't do without making the userid I'm using a member of the local administrators group (I do not want to do this. I've managed to get all of my other monitors working with a non-admin account...took a lot of research, and I don't want to make this user an admin). I've tried setting up a specific share of the C drive on a machine, for example, \server1\cdrive, but if I edit the template and put in \server1\cdrive, this specific entry propagates to ALL of the machines that use the template, which also won't work. For example, I look at Server2 and the Directory to monitor field shows as \server1\cdrive. I tried using \%computername%\cdrive and that doesn't work as well.

Any way to do what I'm trying to do or do I have to give up on using a template and set each directory monitor up separately for each server. I can do this but it's not ideal since I wanted to keep all of them consistent in what files/folders I'm monitoring.

asked 09 Sep '22, 17:08

rhnac's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Sep '22, 23:20

Hi -

Can you manually add a Disk Space monitor to one of the DMZ servers? When you do, does the drive on the DMZ server show up in the menu to add a drive? Please send a screenshot to Support@poweradmin.com

Is the account that you are using local user on the remote server or a domain user account?


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answered 12 Sep '22, 15:21

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 09 Sep '22, 17:08

Seen: 1,412 times

Last updated: 12 Sep '22, 15:21