I want to create a single template monitoring the disk time % counter of Windows servers and have it alert on individual volumes (C:, D:, etc).

Choosing the individual instances of a volume will not work because the GUI will only display the volumes on the server being referenced to configure the template. That means if the referenced server only has a C: volume and other servers have C: and D: then the template will only monitor the C: volume on all servers.

If I choose the "_Total" instance for the disk time % counter, is there a variable that can determine which volume triggered the alert?

asked 04 Feb '19, 14:20

slickrick's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi slickrick,

If you build your template from a server that has both drives that should do the trick. When the template is applied to a server that only has one drive them only the one drive will be monitored.


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answered 05 Feb '19, 13:53

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

You can edit the counter path directly and replace the C: (the "instance" in the counter) with a *. Then the monitor will expand that dynamically at run time to cover all instances (drives in this case). Or do as Quinn mentioned and create a template with C:, D: and E:, and then the template is propagated to the server, the extra drive counters will be removed.


answered 18 Feb '19, 15:27

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 04 Feb '19, 14:20

Seen: 2,407 times

Last updated: 18 Feb '19, 15:27