Hello, in my log file text genrated on files access the source ip show "adress not available" for all the users access. Is it possible to get the ip address source of the computer from the user access to the files.


asked 09 Jan '20, 04:56

JeromeCHA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi JeromeCHA -

The IP address is available as long as the client computer and the server are both Vista/Windows 2008 R2 or newer. When that is the case the newer SMB protocol is used, which is where the IP address is pulled from. If either side is older, the protocol has to drop to an older version which did not have the IP address available.


answered 23 Mar '20, 12:12

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 09 Jan '20, 04:56

Seen: 2,086 times

Last updated: 23 Mar '20, 12:12