Has anyone successfully integrated PowerAdmin with ServiceNow (or any other ticketing system)? I assume it will all need to be scripted?

asked 13 Mar '20, 08:29

Berniek's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Berniek,

The product does have a Call to URL Action that you can use to send your alerts to. This will allow you to add them to your ticket system. Here is some documentation on how to Integrate with Slack as an example.

We do have some other clients who use the Execute Script action and customize their own alerts being sent to their ticket system.


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answered 13 Mar '20, 09:28

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

This is great news! Thank you for the amazing product and unsurpassed customer support!!!

(13 Mar '20, 11:30) Berniek
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Asked: 13 Mar '20, 08:29

Seen: 6,172 times

Last updated: 13 Mar '20, 11:30