
we are searching for a method to keep the monitor history of a host, that we do not want to monitor anymore.

This means we try to remove or deactivate the host (so it won't monitor and use a licence for that host) while still keeping the history of that host. Is there any way to achive our needs? What would be the "best practice" for this case?

Best wishes Alex

asked 29 Mar '16, 06:02

Alux's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Alux,

You can export the configuration for an individual server/device. This would save your configuration.

However, there is no option to save the historical data for the server/device. You could make a copy of your current database which would save the data but you would not be able to run reports on that data in your current console. Later if you need you could query it with SQL to get the reports you need.


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answered 29 Mar '16, 08:49

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hey Quinn,

thanks for your answer. Do we really need to copy the whole database (which is very big in our case...) or is it enaugh to backup some of the database tables? If so: Which tables are required to keep the history of one host?

Best wishes Alex

(30 Mar '16, 04:57) Alux


When you say you want to keep "monitor history of a host", what do you really mean by this? Do you want to keep the data in the database, do you want the charts to be kept. What are you looking to keep.

If you go in to the console and at the server level deactivate your server, it will not count towards your license count.


(30 Mar '16, 09:18) Quinn ♦♦

Hey Quinn,

we tested as you said ("disable monitoring") and we got the effect we wanted to have. Thanks for your support. - Accepted

Best wishes Alex

(04 Apr '16, 10:21) Alux
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Asked: 29 Mar '16, 06:02

Seen: 4,233 times

Last updated: 04 Apr '16, 10:21