Hi, I am trying to exite cmd process on remote machine using PAEXEC. It failing with below output returning exit code -7. I am able to do it successfully with psexec.

C:windowssystem32>C:PSToolsPaexec.exe \remotemachineIP -u username-p Password -s -x cmd

PAExec v1.27 - Execute Programs Remotely Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Power Admin LLC www.poweradmin.com/PAExec Connecting to remotemachineIP... Starting PAExec service on remotemachineIP... Timed out waiting for communication channel to remotemachineIP. The system cannot find the file specified. [Err=0x2, 2] Failed to stop PAExec service. The service has not been started. [Err=0x426, 1062]

PAExec returning exit code -7

asked 09 Aug '20, 06:35

Venkat%20Manindra's gravatar image

Venkat Manindra
accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Aug '20, 06:38

Hi Venkat,

The return codes for PAExec are listed on the home page. https://www2.poweradmin.com/paexec/

The return code -7 means that PAExec could not communicate with remote PAExec service. Most of these types of errors are permissions related.


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answered 10 Aug '20, 09:47

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn, Thanks for the reply. Can I know what are all the permissions I can provide. As I covered most of them while trying psexec.

(10 Aug '20, 10:05) Venkat Manindra

Venkat, how the PAExec service works is that it copies PAExec to the remote server and then runs that service. The two services then communicate with each other based on scripts or commands that are running. If the remote PAExec service can't connect back to local server it through the -7 error. So at this point the permissions is not the issue as it has already connected to the remote server. The issue is that something is keeping the running PAExec from talking with each other.

(10 Aug '20, 13:54) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 09 Aug '20, 06:35

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Last updated: 10 Aug '20, 13:54