Hi, I've just started using PA File Sight and have an issue. I am trying to write to a log on a NAS, but get the following message "The Write to Text Log File action [Write to ServerEvents.txt log file] is unable to write to L:ServerEvents_2020-02-27.txt (OS Error=The system cannot find the path specified. [Err=0x00000003 (3), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}])."

I tried setting the service to run as a domain user who had permissions to write to the location, but still got the same message. Any suggestions, I want to have the logs on the NAS to conserve space on the server drive.

asked 26 Feb '20, 20:05

DougP's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi DougP,

Does the account that is running PA File Sight have access to the network? Also, have you tried using the full path to the NAS device?


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answered 27 Feb '20, 09:05

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

edited 27 Feb '20, 09:08

Hi Quinn,

Thanks for your reply. I tried your suggestions. Using the full path the message changed to 'Access denied", even when using a account that had full network access.

I then tried a reboot of the server, which unfortunately caused the program to fail with an issue with the database, which reading the forums looked like a permissions issue. So I have uninstalled it and will retry again. For the short term until I can spend more time on it I will use a USB drive to log to.

Thanks Doug


answered 27 Feb '20, 17:06

DougP's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 26 Feb '20, 20:05

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Last updated: 27 Feb '20, 17:06