When I close Server Monitor, I get a pop-up with this message:

The action DLL is missing for the following monitors: [Core - Inventory Collector] on ... and it repeats this for every server.

I know how to fix this for other monitors, by configuring actions on the monitor or power template, but Core Inventory Collector doesn't have actions, so I'm not sure how to fix it here. This happened with 8.1, the first version I installed, and after I upgraded to 8.2.

asked 25 Aug '20, 13:20

rd_lti's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi rd_lti,

The Inventory monitor and a few other monitors that do not use actions there is code in the service to not show that error message. Would you please take a screenshot of the error message that you are getting and send to us to review? support@poweramdmin.com


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answered 26 Aug '20, 14:17

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 25 Aug '20, 13:20

Seen: 1,982 times

Last updated: 26 Aug '20, 14:17