Hi, we're currently evaluating PA Monitor and having problems with a URL Action. See the error log below. The website works fine outside of PowerAdmin using IE and other SSL websites can be successfully checked with PowerAdmin. We're just having a problem with this one site.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Regards Russell

https://eproperty.charlessturt.sa.gov.au/eProperty/P1/GuestHome.aspx?r=P1.WEBGUEST&f=%24P1.EPR.GUESTHME.VIW returned response code 0 [0x0] https://eproperty.charlessturt.sa.gov.au/eProperty/P1/GuestHome.aspx?r=P1.WEBGUEST&f=%24P1.EPR.GUESTHME.VIW could not be loaded (response code 0 [0x0]) Run ProxyCfg.exe to check proxy settings (ProxyCfg.exe -u sets default values) or try specifying a proxy for the monitor.

[WinHttpReceiveResponse failed for https://eproperty.charlessturt.sa.gov.au/eProperty/P1/GuestHome.aspx?r=P1.WEBGUEST&f=%24P1.EPR.GUESTHME.VIW, method=1, os=A certificate is required to complete client authentication [Err=0x2F0C (12044), CurrUser=<username>, Imp={none}]]

asked 07 Aug '14, 19:44

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Asked: 07 Aug '14, 19:44

Seen: 3,464 times

Last updated: 07 Aug '14, 19:44