Hi, Often we will receive an email alert from a monitor and I will have trouble finding under Servers/Devices the device node of that monitor. I can easily find it under All Monitors, but I am missing a right-click option to take me to the (first occurrence of the of) device in a group under Servers/Devices. Or a right-click expandable option listing all the (Dynamic) Groups which include this device.

Or is there some way that I am missing?

Otherwise this would be a really helpful option, then please suggest this to the developers!

Best regards, Nick

asked 06 Dec '22, 07:45

Nick%20Reid's gravatar image

Nick Reid
accept rate: 0%

Hi Nick. We are looking into that right-click idea (great idea!). But until then did you know about hitting Ctrl+F in the Console for the find function? That should get you to the device quickly if you have the name.


answered 06 Dec '22, 09:52

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

Thanks Doug! Both for tip, because no I actually didn´t know about that (rather duh of me), and also for liking my 'great' idea :-)


answered 06 Dec '22, 10:01

Nick%20Reid's gravatar image

Nick Reid
accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 06 Dec '22, 07:45

Seen: 1,382 times

Last updated: 06 Dec '22, 10:01