Memory usage on PA app differs from actual usage, why? .. In using PA Power Admin it is showing Memory used at 36%, but I logon to the actual server I see percent of memory used per task manager at 90%. Why the difference?

asked 18 Feb '13, 19:10

wcalvinw's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can you attach a screenshot showing what you mean? Do you mean the memory chart shown for the server? If so, compare that chart to the same counter in PerfMon, which is where the data really comes from (Memory% Committed Bytes in Use).


answered 21 Feb '13, 18:35

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 22%

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Asked: 18 Feb '13, 19:10

Seen: 4,731 times

Last updated: 21 Feb '13, 18:35