Do you have a best practice for PA products when it comes to rebooting a server they are hosted on? (File Site, Server Monitor, and Storage monitor) Is there any risk to rebooting the server when the services are still running?

Would it be better to stop the PA services first? The services are set to start up automatically on reboot.


asked 11 Jun '13, 10:35

techgal64's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

All of the services listen for a 'server shutting down' event from the operating system, and when they get that event, they stop themselves in an orderly fashion. So feel free to just reboot normally (ie a controlled server reboot via the operating system -- rebooting via power button is not a good idea for most OS's these days).


answered 21 Jun '13, 14:27

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 11 Jun '13, 10:35

Seen: 5,972 times

Last updated: 21 Jun '13, 14:27