After upgrading to Server 2012, we re-installed PA File Sight The FileSight server starts but the console does not contain any information and the following error is logged. Is File Sight compatible with Server 2012?

[Beginning of File Truncated]... 06-23-2013, 09:18:07.694, TID:03516, PID:01248, ERROR: Monitor [CVGHQFS002] [Watch E:Shares] failed to run. The monitor may or may not function properly until the service is restarted. The reason given: The PA File Sight monitoring driver can't be started. Reason: Failed to load the PA File Sight driver. HR=80070002

(Many errors are often caused by lack of rights to a system resource--maybe this error as well?)

Status=msCANTMONITOR, Version=3.6.6 (Build 5) 06-23-2013, 09:18:07.710, TID:03516, PID:01248, Finished monitor CVGHQFS002"Watch E:Shares". Status=Can't Run!, (MID 1) 06-23-2013, 09:18:12.678, TID:03516, PID:01248, Starting monitor CVGHQFS002"Watch E:Shares" (MID 1) 06-23-2013, 09:18:12.678, TID:03516, PID:01248, ERROR: Monitor [CVGHQFS002] [Watch E:Shares] failed to run. The monitor may or may not function properly until the service is restarted. The reason given: The PA File Sight monitoring driver can't be started. Reason: Failed to load the PA File Sight driver. HR=80070002

(Many errors are often caused by lack of rights to a system resource--maybe this error as well?)

Status=msCANTMONITOR, Version=3.6.6 (Build 5) 06-23-2013, 09:18:12.678, TID:03516, PID:01248, Finished monitor CVGHQFS002"Watch E:Shares". Status=Can't Run!, (MID 1) 06-23-2013, 09:18:17.569, TID:03516, PID:01248, Starting monitor CVGHQFS002"Watch E:Shares" (MID 1) 06-23-2013, 09:18:17.569, TID:03516, PID:01248, ERROR: Monitor [CVGHQFS002] [Watch E:Shares] failed to run. The monitor may or may not function properly until the service is restarted. The reason given: The PA File Sight monitoring driver can't be started. Reason: Failed to load the PA File Sight driver. HR=80070002

(Many errors are often caused by lack of rights to a system resource--maybe this error as well?)

asked 24 Jun '13, 11:42

kwe's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi kwe,

Have you tried restarting the PA File Sight service? If the driver is still not working you may want to try upgrading to the v3.9 download, there were several changes to the drivers between your version and the v3.9.



answered 24 Jun '13, 12:56

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hello Quinn, I have restarted the PA File Sight server without any luck. I have also changed the login credentials, thinking it might be a permissions issue, but that did not work.

I have not tried installing v3.9. Will that work with our current license for


answered 24 Jun '13, 12:59

kwe's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, your license is good for any v3 build so you can use the v3.9.

I would suggest that you look at upgrading your v3 license to a v5, as there are many updates that you are missing out on. All you would need to do is to purchase a 1 year support and maintenance agreement for your license and you then can get all upgrades during that year for free (far cheaper than a new license). If you need a price quote please send a request to



answered 24 Jun '13, 13:32

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

That did the trick. Thank you!


answered 24 Jun '13, 13:58

kwe's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please remember to mark the answer Accepted.



answered 24 Jun '13, 14:10

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 24 Jun '13, 11:42

Seen: 49,186 times

Last updated: 24 Jun '13, 14:10