Our security manger has flagged two open ports on our Power Admin servers as being security vulnerabilities. We only run PA software on these (and SQL) and I am unsure what these ports are needed for and if we can do anything about them. Any insight you can provide is greatly appreciated.

PAFileSight server (running FileSight and SQL) Port 53268 SSL Version 2 and 3 Protocol Detection The remote service encrypts traffic using a protocol with known weaknesses.

PAMonitor Server (running Server Monitor and Storage Monitor and SQL) Port 58864 SSL Version 2 and 3 Protocol Detection The remote service encrypts traffic using a protocol with known weaknesses.

asked 07 Nov '24, 16:33

Macbrun's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi -

All three products (PA Server Monitor, PA Storage Monitor and PA File Sight) do use an embedded HTTPS server for communication with the Console, Satellites, etc. You can control the port which is used in Settings > HTTP Server Settings.

Having said that, those ports you list are unusual, and definitely not the default ports. I'd recommend running:

netstat.exe -abn

That will show all open and listening ports, and which process is involved with the port.


answered 08 Nov '24, 21:31

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 07 Nov '24, 16:33

Seen: 512 times

Last updated: 08 Nov '24, 21:31