The option to sort WatchDisk scans by change in size if very useful for identifying where disk space has been used. But it seems to only sort by the change in the most recent two scans.

How can I sort by the change in, say, last Thursday and Friday's scans?

asked 08 Aug '13, 19:48

pshute's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%


Thanks for using PA WatchDisk. The sorting option that PA WatchDisk has is only the last two scans, you can't sort with older scans. However, if you are needing to be able to do that type of reporting I would suggest using PA Storage Monitor, PA WatchDisk's big brother . Here is a link for more information about PA Storage Monitor .


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answered 09 Aug '13, 09:25

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 08 Aug '13, 19:48

Seen: 4,228 times

Last updated: 09 Aug '13, 09:25