Hi! I'm using trial version of PA Watch Disk 3.2(Build 43) and I'm unable to generate Excel report. CSV export works fine, but when I'm trying to create report by pressing "REPORTS"->"Generate" button - I get an error "Excel is not installed on this computer"

OS: Windows 10 x64 Proffesional Version 1803 (OS Build 17134.345) Excel: Version 1809 (Build 10827.20150) (Office 365)

Is it a known issue, or I'm lucky?

Please advise.

asked 16 Oct '18, 10:23

dezore's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi dezore,

To be quite honest, we're trying to phase WatchDISK out and it is fairly old and hasn't been updated in quite a while. PA Storage Monitor is meant to be its replacement. PA Storage Monitor has the same directory growth tracking, plus, it also tracks individual files and file owners. That means there is much richer reporting available and you can build CSV files that you can open in to Excel. Personally, I'd recommend that instead. https://www.poweradmin.com/products/storage-monitor/

There is a trial version of PA Storage Monitor that you can try. If you have any questions please let us know. support@poweradmin.com


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answered 17 Oct '18, 09:32

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn,

Thank you for reply. I will try Storage Monitor instead.


answered 17 Oct '18, 09:45

dezore's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 16 Oct '18, 10:23

Seen: 3,193 times

Last updated: 17 Oct '18, 09:45