I used to stop my IIS in machine1 from machine2 using PAExec.exe (Power admin tool ) PAExec.ex \machine1 iisreset -stop Now my machine1 is migrated to a dmz domain(machine2 in different domain) and the above command fails. I get network connection error. I can remote in to it but why cannot access the machine using \machine1 in run command ? What is the difference. How do i get the access through \machine1

asked 09 Aug '17, 11:06

ANJU's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

My suspicion is the firewall is allowing RDP connections (for Remote Desktop), but blocking RPC connections (which is what PAExec, PsExec, sc.exe and most other utilities use).


answered 03 Oct '17, 11:42

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 09 Aug '17, 11:06

Seen: 3,451 times

Last updated: 28 Oct '17, 07:06