Even though we have enabled the option "Lock the monitoring service so it cannot be stopped" for our server remote satellite, when we view the advanced services drop down, it is still stating "Lock status: Service can be stopped".

Is this just a glitch where the menu in the advanced services section is not getting updated? or is the service still not in a lock state? We tested and it appeared to be in lock state.

asked 09 Dec '13, 18:18

rahul77d's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


The check box on the Settings dialog will only control weather the main service can be stopped. If you want to have your satellite(s) to act the same way, you will need to change the settings for each of them using Bulk Config. In your main console select Bulk Config. In the dropdown box select "Satellite: Lock Service...". Next select the satellites that you need to lock. In Select Option you will get a pop-up box which you will need to check the box and then click on OK. The last step is to select the Perform Operations button. To undo this lock feature you will have to undo the settings in the console.


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answered 10 Dec '13, 10:34

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 09 Dec '13, 18:18

Seen: 4,513 times

Last updated: 10 Dec '13, 10:34