We use Server Monitor After complaints of a nature, I just discovered that one of our Execute Script monitors hasn't run since June 12th, and is stuck in status "Running". The monitor tests fine both in debug and production. I have never seen this before, what can be the problem with the monitor.

As a bonus question (you can see it coming): for the future how would I define a monitor to monitor monitors in this state, and alert me, or reset them if that's what they need?

The server itself and the service have been restarted since that time so it can't actually be running.

asked 23 Jun '15, 07:00

SaintNick's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 23 Jun '15, 07:01

Hi SaintNick,

We would need to follow the process of the monitor in the log file. Would you please restart the PASM service and after the service has restarted right click on the Execute Script monitor and select Run Now. Allow the monitor about 30 minutes to run and then send us the service log file. We'll also need to know the name of the server and the monitor to track the activity in the log file. Please zip up and send the log file and name of the server and monitor to support@poweradmin.com.


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answered 23 Jun '15, 11:21

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%


Thank you for the log file. Well I looked through your log file and found that the monitor ran four times, each time with good results. Unfortunately, that data for June 12, the run time in question, wasn't in the log file. It was too far back that the data had rolled off. So I can't answer why the monitor stayed in the Running state. It could have been that the script you were running receive some error or didn't receive the expected reply or data and therefore caused the script to crash. This could have caused the monitor to not reply so to change the status.

You had asked if we had a way to monitor the monitor's status, a great idea, but no we don't. We haven't seen anything like this in over 15 years. I have passed this information on to the programmers and they have added it to their To-Do list.

Meanwhile, you could have your execute script monitors create a log file when it starts and then remove it when it's done. Then setup a File Age monitor to watch for those log files and if a file gets to be over x amount of time it would alert you. This would give you the notice that a script had not finished correctly.


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answered 23 Jun '15, 15:08

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 23 Jun '15, 07:00

Seen: 6,930 times

Last updated: 23 Jun '15, 15:08