Dear Support,

Since the upgrade to 5.4 we have been having issues with lots of servers requiring .net2.0/3.5 otherwise the inventory collector faults. I have posted below one of the servers reports. The central monitoring sever also required .net2.0/3.5 installed to monitor servers. We found that when we installed .net 2.0/3.5 on our monitoring server, all 2003 servers inventory collectors mended themselves but we are now finding that on our 2012 severs we are required to install .net 2.0/3.5 in order to resolve the error below. We would preferably not have to to do this. Is there any reason this requirement appeared in 5.4 as it did not exist in 5.3

Inventory Collector Failed to retrieve system details via the System Details probe: .NET 2.0/3.5 is not installed on PAPERCUT [from target] [in error for 2d 17h 35m]


asked 14 Apr '14, 19:26

stkevins's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


In v5.3 the Inventory Collector fail silently when these errors occurred but now the service gives you the errors. The other option that you have is to uncheck the second option in the Inventory Collector monitor.

There have been a few minor adjustments to the error messages for the Inventory Collector in build


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answered 17 Apr '14, 16:27

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Adding to Quinn's comment, we've just put out a new build that will filter some probe methods that shouldn't be running. This will probably fix most of the issues (though not the ones that mention PowerShell or .NET).

The update is at:

Also, we've update the help page a bit to try and explain this:


answered 18 Apr '14, 10:27

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 14 Apr '14, 19:26

Seen: 9,817 times

Last updated: 18 Apr '14, 10:27