I used to be able to right-click, Copy a monitor then select a different server and right-click, Paste that monitor. Now with 5.4, Paste is no longer an option when I right-click on a server. Did something change in the console or is it something on my end?

asked 20 Apr '14, 15:34

MustangMD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I just did some testing in PA Server Monitor v 5.4 and was able to do what you were describing. If you can reproduces your steps could you create some screenshots and send them to us? support@poweradmin.com


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answered 21 Apr '14, 11:17

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

edited 22 Apr '14, 15:58

OK, I've done some experimenting and if I run the console directly on the server that is running PA Server Monitor the Paste option is there when I right-click on a server. It is when I run the console from my laptop that the Paste option does not show up (screenshot sent to support@poweradmin.com). I've uninstalled the console on my laptop and reinstalled (making sure I download the console from the server so versions match) and the problem remains.

Thank you, Matt Dickson


answered 21 Apr '14, 19:18

MustangMD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Also, I've tested this on my laptop using both the Internet Explorer and Chromium embedded browsers.


answered 21 Apr '14, 23:32

MustangMD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi MustangD

For some reason the screenshots didn't come through with your email. One question: When you login locally, you're logging in as an administrator that has full rights. When you login from your lap top, is it with an account that is defined in PA Server Monitor as an admin?

For example, do you also see options to delete monitors? (which would not be available to accounts that only had run-report rights).


answered 22 Apr '14, 15:52

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Well, I'd upload the picture with my reply, but unfortunately I don't seem to have enough Karma to do that. I'll try to send the picture in the email again. Yes, my account that I use to login both directly on the server and from my laptop is defined as having the Admin role. I do have the ability to delete monitors, just not paste.

Thanks, Matt


answered 22 Apr '14, 16:19

MustangMD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Do you have any applications that modify (or monitor?) the clipboard on your laptop? If the clipboard is affected, that would prevent the copy/paste from working.

Try this: Copy a monitor, and then paste into a text editor. You should see something like:



answered 22 Apr '14, 17:12

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 20 Apr '14, 15:34

Seen: 11,389 times

Last updated: 22 Apr '14, 17:12