Hi everyone,

what we basically did, is to add a server located in web. We can ping and access the server through the PA Monitoring Server. But we have a problem with recieving information back. Here is our scenario:

The monitoring central server is named: monitor (And isn't in any domain) We did a DNS entry for monitor.contonso.com to forward to the monitor. All Satellites have no problem to connect. But as we add a webserver its giving us error from Inventory collector because the Server tries to communicate with: https://monitor:81 which will not work, it should communicate with https://monitor.contonso.com:81

The configuration is set already to use report URL: monitor.contonso.com so all linking in webinterface is working without any problem.

I tried to set a suffix but it didn't worked out. Can't I configure the responding url to which a server shall send back information?

Thank you for your help.

With regards Martin

asked 06 Jun '14, 02:25

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Okay for now we solved it with a host entry which says: [Current IP of monitor] monitor

But it would be nice, if there will be an alternative to that.


answered 06 Jun '14, 02:38

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Martin,

Can you add a DNS entry for the server "monitor"?


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answered 16 Jun '14, 11:05

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 06 Jun '14, 02:25

Seen: 14,621 times

Last updated: 16 Jun '14, 11:05