If you close the console by just X-ing out (clicking the X in the upper-right corner) it leaves orphaned processes still running that you have to close out using Task Manager. This does not happen if you exit out by clicking File->Exit or click the Exit button in the top-right. This happens both on local and remote console sessions. (Version

asked 21 Apr '14, 20:54

MustangMD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I have tested this and have found that this issue occurs when you are using Chromium for the embedded browser when opening your console. If you are using Internet Explorer all sessions are closed when you exit out of the console.

The Chromium browser will also add a few more Console.exe processes when the console is open, this is controlled by Chromium and we are not able to change it. When you are X-ing out (clicking the X in the upper-right corner) all of the processes are left running. To make sure that the cleanup is complete when you want to close the console please use the Exit button. It will clean up all process for Chromium.

I have also sent this issue on to our programmers and they will be looking it to this.


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answered 22 Apr '14, 11:31

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 21 Apr '14, 20:54

Seen: 4,811 times

Last updated: 22 Apr '14, 11:31