Well i have some Problems with PaExec. I dont know why sombedy else asked it yet. Maybe it doesnt work only on my system. So i read that line "If you find a case where PAExec behaves differently from PsExec, we would be interested in hearing about it, including the command-line that was used." and thoght i explain my problems.

so first the -n option

(i tried it with a username which doesnt exist, so he can trie connecting as long as he wants to): the only thing what i can do whit it is to say if the program should try after ca 24 seconds to start the service on the remote system or not. so if i say for example -n 1 he tells me after 24 seconds that he faild to connect and afterwards he says a timeout has occured but on psexec he stopts after 1 second and if i say -n 26, after the 24 seconds he trys to start the service on the remote system and goes on as if the -n option was not setted

next one -i:

in psexec it works well but in paexec for example "paexec \pcname -u username -i -p password blub.exe" he doesnt realizes that there is a -i setted. the same happens if i write the -i before the -u username or somewhere else. but when the -i is the last setted option like here ""paexec \pcname -u username -p password -i blub.exe" hey says "Reached end of command before seeing expected parts" and shows me the help

next one -s:

"psexec \pcname -u username -p password -s cmd" for example works well the same command with paexec tells me that i can use the -s only without the -u option ... but how should i connect to the target-pc without the username? when i create specialy for that command a new user with the same password, it works, but thats really not what i want.


my command here is for example "paexec \pcname -u username -p password -c -cnodel C:\hallo.bat" here he says "cnodel is not a recognized option" and shows me again the help


"paexec \pcname -u username -p password -c -clist C:\bliblablub.txt" again shows me the "Reached end of command before seeing expected parts" message with the help.


well, here i dont know exactly what it is used for. if i understand it, it is only usefull if i have a file, which should be copied, but the copying fails and then he looks at the -csrc and trys to copy the file from here. but it seems to me not rly usefull so i think that this is for another usecase.

on my pc is a 32bit windows 7 enterprise SP1 and the target is a 64bit windows 7 ultimate SP1. so i hope you cold help me. if you have any questions, just ask thanks for reading ^^ i know its a long text

asked 30 Oct '12, 09:34

B%C3%B6rnib%C3%A4r's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Oct '12, 09:36

Hi Börnibär -

Thanks for your detailed post. What version of PAExec are you using?

-n: So if I understand correctly, PsExec will honor the timeout for connection, but then whether it connects or not, will still try to run the command?


This one is very tricky. Since it was (unfortunately) defined to take a parameter or not, it's hard to know if the thing that comes right after it is a session identifier or not. For example, with PsExec, the following will try to launch sess as though it was an executable:

PsExec \\computer -i sess app

So neither app seems to support -i as the last option. I'm not sure how to improve this in the parser.


Oh, I didn't know -s and -u could be used together in PsExec! It's now enabled in PAExec :)


This one is simply a bug. Fixed.


In the example given, the C:\bliblablub.txt file has a list of files to copy. But the command doesn't specify which app to launch (ie it needs blub.exe appended to the end).


This one was really added for us :) If you want to launch C:\Test.exe on the remote server, but the file exists in C:\MyFiles\Test.exe, then you can use -csrc to tell PAExec where to copy the source file from.

As I mentioned above, two fixes were made and the new version is now on the PAExec website


answered 30 Oct '12, 11:28

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

edited 17 Nov '12, 14:36

Hi Doug

i used the 1.11 version. I tried the -i one time with a 1.06 version too but same effect.

-n: Both try to start the service whether they connect or not, but in this example whit PsExec

C:\Users\DarthVader>psexec \pcname -u notavailableusername -p senselesspassword -n 1 cmd

PsExec v1.98 - Execute processes remotely Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

Timeout accessing pcname.

he trys only 1 second to connect and changes the message to "timeout accessing pcname."

but with PAExec

C:\Users\DarthVader>paexec \pcname -u notavailableusername -p senselesspassword -n 1 cmd

PAExec v1.12 - Execute Programs Remotely Copyright (c) 2012 Power Admin LLC www.poweradmin.com/PAExec

Connecting to pcname...

Failed to connect to \pcname\ADMIN$. Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen: unbekannter Benutzername oder falsches Kennwort. [Err=0x52E, 1326] Failed to copy [C:\Windows\system32\paexec.exe] to [\pcname\ADMIN$\paexec.exe] -- going to try to continue anyway. Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen: unbekannter Benutzername oder falsches Kennwort. [Err=0x5 2E, 1326]

Timeout connecting to pcname...

PAExec returning exit code -5

So hey trys to connect -> the timeout occures but paexec dont stop -> it trys further to connect and after ca 25 seconds he sees that he cannot connect. At this point he stops the process cause the timeout already occured.

What i wanna say with this is, there is no difference with the command in PAExec between "-n 1", "-n 5", "-n 15", "-n 22" and all the others from 1 to 24. In every case he stops as soon as he realizes that he cannot connect.

-i: Do you mean when i set something as a session it should work ? ... When i do so, he connects, but my app, which i wanna start, returns only this exit code -1073741502 (0xC0000142)

-s and -cnodel are working fine now =D

-clist: Ok i didnt know that i have to write the executable file again after. I thought it would be enough if it stands in the txt-file. But no matter where i write the executable-file in the txt (beginning, somewhere in the middle or at the end) it works.

-csrc: So this is like "-c" but i can choose another destination, sounds good.


answered 31 Oct '12, 08:58

B%C3%B6rnib%C3%A4r's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 Oct '12, 09:43

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Asked: 30 Oct '12, 09:34

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Last updated: 17 Nov '12, 14:36